Aire Viento

Set: sprockets, timing chain, chain tensioner, tensioning rail for Lada Niva 21213 (1700ccm with carburetor)

Product number: 1015

Set: sprockets, timing chain, chain tensioner, tensioning rail for Lada Niva 21213 (1700ccm with carburetor)

Weight: 1.9 kg
Ready for shipping
Set: sprockets, timing chain, chain tensioner, tensioning rail, chain booster, Simmerring + gasket + for Lada Niva for engines 1700 ccm with carburettor / Lada Niva model 21213.
Control chain double with 116 links, part number 2103-1006040
Small gear is with Simmerring 40 x 56 x 7,5 (2101-1005034-02)
The set is complete, it is all there is to do with what you need for repair on the gears and timing chain.