Aire Viento

2 x Front brake hose short Lada Niva 2121, 21213, 21214, 21215, before year 2010

Product number: 219

2 x Front brake hose short Lada Niva 2121, 21213, 21214, 21215, 21210-3506061-10, before year 2010

Weight: 0.25 kg
Ready for shipping
2 x brake hose front short, Lada Niva 2121, 21213, 21214, 21215
These brake hoses are installed 1 pcs. on the left and 1 pcs. on the right in the front, 2 other front brakehoses are longer. You can find them in the shop with the item number 981
Attention only for Lada Niva until year of construction 2010
Part Number: 2121-3506061-10