Aire Viento

Manifold / exhaust manifold for Lada Niva 21214, 2123-1008025

Product number: 958

Manifold / exhaust manifold for Lada Niva 21214, 2123-1008025

Weight: 4.5 kg
Ready for shipping
Manifold / exhaust manifold for Lada Niva 21214 (1700i) with Engine 1700ccm and Injection
Part number: 2123-1008025
This exhaust manifold can be also used for Lada 2101-2107 and Lada Niva with 1600 cc and carburetor. The original manifold is no longer produced. This exhaust manifold looks a bit different than the standard manifold for Lada 2101-2107 and Lada Niva with 1600 cc, but fits exactly without any adjustments.
Top quality!! Originally from Russia!